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Communication - Class Dojo

We use Class Dojo across the school to help you stay up to date with events, messages and to see what your child is learning in each class. You can message staff and the office directly from this and see how many Dojo points your child is earning each week!


Please note that some staff work part time so please allow up to 3 working days for a staff member to reply to your message.


Staff are always happy to meet in person or give you a ring if helpful- please just allow a few days for this to be organised. Many Thanks. 



“Up the Creek News”

This is the title of our weekly newsletter, which is available on the school website every Friday afternoon. Please go to the parents tab and newsletter. A copy will also be posted on class Dojo each week. Please do make a point of viewing this as it will keep you in touch with what is going on in school and will have an updated list of diary dates. In an effort to be as ‘green’ as possible, we endeavour to send out all paperwork electronically as far as possible, but please let the office know if you specifically require a paper copy.

Contact Information, etc.

Contact information and parental permission forms are signed by parents when children start at the school and data is checked annually.

Please remember to provide the office with any information that needs to be updated on your child’s records, i.e. change of address / telephone (and mobile) number / medical information / dietary information, etc.

Friday Assemblies

Parents, Family and Friends are welcome to join the school each Friday morning for Celebration assembly.

One assembly a term will take place in Holy Cross Church and otherwise in the school hall.

Assembly starts at 9.00 a.m. and usually lasts approximately half an hour.

