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PTFA Meeting Notes - February 2024

PTFA Meeting Notes - 21 November 2023

Bonfire night & fireworks - Friday 3rd November - Collaton Cross - tickets on sale on Eventbrite

PTFA Newsletter - October 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 19th September 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 6th June 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 9th May 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 28th March 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 28th February 2023

PTFA Meeting Notes - 16th November 2022

PTFA Meeting Notes - 5th October 2022

Co-Chairman: Jo Flower, Ruipeng Sweeting & Leah Rinagl 

Treasurer: Kirensa Ward

Marketing: Nat Haxton

Social Media: Brian Flower


Members: All current parents at the school 


For more information about what our PTFA offer, please follow 'Newton Ferrers C of E School PTFA' on Facebook.


This year the PTFA are raising money for:

- a refreshed outdoor provision for EYFS.

- improving the outdoor provisions around the school e.g. Trim trail, other outdoor sports provisions


The PTFA currently subsidise a number of provisions across the school including:

  • Mental Health Awareness training for nominated Mental Health ambassadors (school children)
  • Reading books for the school library for all
  • Music support for Pupil Premium children
  • Crafts – mask making for Years 5 / 6
  • Script, backing tracks and licenses for the Year 3 / 4 class play
  • Award badges for all
  • Maths home learning packages for all
  • New PTFA notice board – to advertise and promote what we do, how we raise funds and a general information source for parents / carers



We are also planning to fund the following:

  • New netball kit
  • Year 6 leavers book


We have had many requests from teachers for day-to-day resources so if anybody would like to donate any resources or money to purchase these resources then please get in touch with Kirensa, our Treasurer who can provide the bank details.


Upcoming events this term include:

- Chinese Lantern making

- Quiz night


Upcoming events next term include:


- Quiz night

- May Day

- Summer fete

- Boat trip

PTFA news - September 2022

A big thank you to Tom Edie who has done an amazing job and worked extremely hard as the chair of our PTFA over the last five year. Tom has handed over the role of PTFA chair to Leah Rinagl, Jo Flower and Ruipeng Sweeting who I know would all appreciate your support moving forwards.

PTFA Fireworks

Still image for this video

Minutes from PTFA AGM - Monday 23rd September 2019

Chairmen: Tom Edie

Treasurer: Alice Stonehouse

Marketing: Brian Flower


Members: All current parents at the school 


For more information about what our PTFA offer, please follow 'Newton Ferrers C of E School PTFA' on facebook.


This year the PTFA are raising money for:

- a new outdoor provision for EYFS.

- improving the outdoor provisions around the school e.g. forest schools


The PTFA currently subsidise the cost of forest schools to enable all children across the school to have this valuable experience.


Upcoming events this term include:

- Fireworks night

- Disco

What does our PTFA do for our school?

Mr Clark (PTFA Chairman) showing our year 5 children how to use easyfunding to raise money for our school. The children then produced a leaflet for parents following his advice!

Look at the changes in our outdoor provision in the Autumn term!

On November 3rd, our PTA ran a magnificent firework evening to raise money for our school. A huge thank you to those that have sponsored the event, given their time setting up and clearning away, as well as those who came along to this spectacular event.

Fireworks Night - Friday 3rd November 2017

Big Dig 2017

On Saturday 31st March the PTFA held a chocolate Bingo event for children and their families in the school hall. There were a huge number of prizes and most families managed to win something. Thank you to all for attending and providing cakes and chocolate for the event. A total of approximately £400 was raised which will provide an author visit for the school.


Chocolate Bingo

Minutes from PTFA meeting Sept 15

Forrest Schools Questionairre Oct 2015


"Newton Ferrers school is hoping to provide more outdoor activities for children in the local community. These might take the form of ' Forest School', which is learning which takes place in a woodland or natural environment to develop a relationship between children and the natural world. These activities will be provided in addition to the normal primary school curriculum.
In order to make sure that the right type of opportunities are provided and that all children are engaged we have developed the following very quick (and totally anonymous) survey. It is available on-line through Survey Monkey by double clicking this web link or in paper form from the school office. The closing date for all surveys is Friday 16 October 2015.
Please can we encourage anyone looking after children in the local community - grandparents, carers, parents or teachers - to fill out the survey. There is an emphasis on children experiencing difficulties such as illness or family hardship but this just to make sure we get funding to provide extra support for these children and that their needs are met. The activities will be open to all children of primary school age (and possibly pre-school).
Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out the survey."