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Sports Premium Funding

What is the Sports Funding?  The National Picture


Sports funding was introduced by the Government in September 2013.  It was designed to give additional money to support schools in developing Physical Education in Schools and build an 'Olympic Legacy'.


Where does the money come from?


Sports Funding is allocated to schools based on the number of children on roll (Years 1-6) plus an additional flat rate.  Because the funding has been allocated for academic years rather than financial years, the funding allocation goes across three financial years.


How has the money been spent?


Newton Ferrers Church of England Primary School has been using the Primary PE and Sport Premium to develop high quality teaching and learning opportunities.



  • An action plan was created as a result of a PE and School Sport Audit.
  • Teacher's PE teaching skills and confidence have improved as a result of regular professional development, whereby they observe and work alongside the PE Consultant.  In addition PE courses have been attended.
  • All children now have access to varied PE activities due to a new broad, rich and engaging curriculum.  The curriculum is progressive with clear learning objectives and outcomes.
  • Inter-School competitive school sport opportunities have increased as a result of regular participation against other  primary schools in festivals and competitions, such as a swimming gala, football festival and indoor multi-skills festivals.  
  • After-School Clubs, such as tag rugby, football, dance, athletics and netball also contribute to increased participation.
  • Intra-School competition has also increased.  
  • New playtime equipment in play to support a wider range of sports activities such as tennis, uni-hoc, table tennis and construction at playtime. 
  • New sports equipment has been received and organised.
  • Our Swimming Curriculum offer is yearly; all our pupils will receive more than the average swimming allocation as recommended by the government.