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Online Safety information

Online Safety at Newton Ferrers


Our online Safety Curriculum is delivered at the start of every computing lesson and is also covered in PSHE. The lessons are age appropriate based on responses from our children at Newton Ferrers through their yearly online safety questionnaires.

We will be focusing specifically on the eight different aspects of online education over our two year rolling programme.

  1. Self-image and Identity
  2. Online reputation
  3. Online bullying
  4. Managing online information
  5. Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
  6. Privacy and security
  7. Copyright and ownership
  8. Online relationships

In response to our pupil surveys we have adapted this to cover Online Relationships each year covering this in more depth. In addition to this we have linked out learning with our PSHE Curriculum and the years we are teaching Online Bullying the following year in PSHE we will teach about Bullying. This interweaving approach can be seen throughout the online safety and PSHE curriculum.

To support staff to remain current, we will be using content from Project Evolve.

Below is an overview of each strand:

Online Safety Body of Knowledge & Subject Overview

Why ProjectEVOLVE?

ProjectEVOLVE ensures the online safety messages that our Newton Ferrers pupils are being taught are more appropriate; more meaningful; that encouraged reflection; that generated positive outcomes.

We didn’t want activities where young people were told what or what not to do. We wanted to provide the right opportunity for discussion; prompted by appropriate questions accompanied by honest and useful information to shape thinking and challenge misconceptions.

ProjectEVOLVE is based on UKCIS framework “Education for a Connected World” (EFACW) that covers knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes across eight strands of our online lives from early years right through to eighteen – we will be covering content up until 11.

These outcomes or competencies are mapped to age and progressive. The statements guide educators as to the areas they should be discussing with children as they develop their use of online technology. Therefore although the children at Newton Ferrers cover each strand three times whilst on their Online Safety journey all sessions are progressive and build on prior learning and is relevant to them at that time.

Due to our, yearly surveys, some content over time will change to ensure it is being taught in the correct year groups based on the technology and interactions are children have and to ensure our children get the knowledge BEFORE it’s too late.

The vibrant new content has been written by a team of experts at the UK Safer Internet Centre. It’s up to date; relevant and engaging and moves online life education into the third decade of the 21st century.


An Introduction to Project Evolve

Still image for this video

Esafety newsletters for parents are sent home each month- please get in touch if you would like specific advice around keeping your child safe online. 

Parent Controls for home
