First Federation Trust
Medical information
May we advise all new parents and remind all others regarding administration of medication in school.
Asthma If your child suffers from Asthma would you please ensure that an ‘Asthma Card’ is completed and that an inhaler is provided for use in school.
Prescribed Medication
If your child is prescribed medication at any time, that requires administration during the course of the school day, it is necessary for an ‘Administration of Medicines’ form to be completed and passed into the school office with the appropriate medication. We will then ensure that it is administered appropriately. It is the responsibility of parents to collect this medication at the end of the day
Un-prescribed Medication
Due to a change in school policy we are now able to administer non prescribed medicines. Please be aware that an ‘Administration of Medicines’ form will need to be completed to enable us to do this. Please see Mrs Rhead in the school office .
If your child suffers from any allergies (sticking plaster, food, etc) this should have been noted on their admission form. If any medication is required, this should be dealt with as ‘Prescribed medication’ above.
In all cases, we ask that parents advise us of any change in medical condition / information. If you have any questions or queries, please contact the school office.