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Coronavirus Information

Covid contingency plans and RA September 2021

Home Learning in the Autumn Term 2020...


If your child is not at school due to Covid reasons then we will support them at home with their learning - the guide below outline what home learning support is in place for your child. 

What will happen if my child is isolating?

There are several reasons why your child may be isolating:  they may have COVID symptoms themselves, someone in the household may have symptoms or you may have been contacted by Track and Trace and advised to self-isolate.  If your child is poorly themselves, they obviously need to rest and concentrate on recovering.  A member of staff will be in touch on Day 3 of their absence to check in and see if we can do anything to help.  However, if your child is isolating but well, it is important that they continue with their learning.  On the first day of their absence please look on your child's class page in the children section of the school website where you will find learning that is matched to their year group and designed to fill a normal school day.  At the end of their first day of absence (and each day until they return), their class teacher will be in touch.  They will send detailed lessons including resources  which closely match the learning that will be happening in class.  This will reduce any gaps in your child’s learning that might otherwise appear because of their absence.  Teachers will be keen to see what your child has worked on at home and we would encourage you to send updates, photos etc to the class Seesaw/Tapestry or admin e-mail address, and teachers will reply as soon as possible.

 What happens if my child’s teacher is isolating?

If your child’s teacher is well but has to isolate, your child will continue to access their usual learning.  It may be that this is planned by the class teacher but delivered by a different teacher. We may also be able to facilitate the class teacher delivering some of the learning from home, using digital platforms, while support staff supervise the children in the classroom.

 What if a bubble closes?

All of the measures we are taking in school are designed to help us reduce the chances of this happening.  However if there is one or more positive cases in school, we may be advised by Public Health England to close a bubble.  If this is the case, learning will be provided remotely to the children affected, by their usual teachers.  We will use many of the same systems used during lockdown, for example, learning emails, recorded lessons, google classroom and class zooms.  The children would access the same learning they would have experienced in school wherever possible.  

 What if we don’t have technology to support home learning?

If these online options are not possible, then we will provide home learning and resources which can be accessed without technology and which will be delivered to you. If you are in this situation then please let us know and we will help in any way that we can.

What if we need extra support at this time?

Just because your child cannot learn in the school building, we are still committed to supporting them and you. If you need help with any aspects of the home learning, you can contact school through the class Seesaw/Tapestry site or the school admin address and we will try to help.  If you have a safeguarding concern or are struggling with other issues, you can contact Miss King through the school admin address or for an urgent safeguarding matter, call MASH on 0345 155 1071.


We hope this information helps to reassure you that plans are in place for different possible outcomes.  Thank you for your continued support.


Updated Behaviour Policy Covid 19 Appendix
